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L4D Survival Records

YOUR L4D Survival Records


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EVOLVE - New game by Turtle Rock Studios

A new game by Turtle Rock Studios (the co-founder of Left 4 Dead) is being made as I write this news. It is a reminder of L4D which takes place in a far future. The game is planned to be released in Fall 2014. Its really hard to say if it will be as good as our favorite zombie survial. Check this out and judge for yourself:

HighVoltage on April 28 2014 · In Uncategorised · 0 Comments · 2856 Reads ·Print

Runway - New World Record! 108m

Survival World Records

Hi everyone, just want to announce that a new WR on Runway has been set - 108 minutes. The contributors were: Skyheart, Borderline, Just Slow and HighVoltage. 


HighVoltage on April 23 2014 · In Survival World Records · 0 Comments · 2574 Reads ·Print

Few news


Hey guys.

I have few news for ya! We will have some new L4D2 admins very soon, that means up to date top5 times, and some videos. Also I added today hall of fame for L4D2.

L4D1 community servers have now 2 new mods. One makes spectators unable to kick players, and take part in voting arranged by survivors. Second mod allows you use in chat 3 type of commands (with aliases) to SPECTATE: !afk !spectate !spec !jointeam3, JOIN SURVIVORS: !jointeam2 !join !surv !survivor !js, SUICIDE: !kill !explode.

Another thing about community L4D1 servers is that it support custom survival maps now. You can make lobby with custom map and force to start it on our server, if you don't know how to do it you can always see guide by Skyheart. List of supported custom maps: -COD4 Wetwork, -The Hillhouse, -Dismember the Alamo, -HotelSwiss, -Last Orders, -Icy coal mine, -Death Aboard, -Suicide Blitz, -DeadCity Campaign, -Precinct 84, -Left 4 Cake, -One 4 Nine.

Snookray published his awesome hud modifications for L4D1 and L4D2 check it out here.

I wish to recall that we can make server with almost any game with not too big fee. Anyone who want our public servers stay alive and would contribute to server is more than welcome :)

EDIT: We added some new servers on our list.

EDIT2: Added 2 custom maps: -We Don't Go To Ravenholm, -Forage

And you can use command !mapvote to vote on custom maps.

As always bad admin SLOW ^_^

JusT SLOW on April 19 2014 · In News · 0 Comments · 2979 Reads ·Print

Lighthouse - New World Record! 133 Min

Survival World Records

After some break with records there was made another best time on Lighthouse ! Graz to Swift_Fox, Ah, Rockboo and JusT SLOW.


JusT SLOW on April 19 2014 · In Survival World Records · 0 Comments · 2704 Reads ·Print

Construction Site - New World Record! 104 min !

Survival World Records

Congratulations to Johnny Cage, Skyheart, XenaWarriorPrincess and Salami_Joe. This guys makes America proud ! Great job on this one guys !


JusT SLOW on February 19 2014 · In Survival World Records · 0 Comments · 3477 Reads ·Print


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01-04-2017 21:01
All 130s

12-04-2016 19:12

16-03-2015 19:30
Yea gotta do that. Need to come up with a proper name for those categories.

05-03-2015 10:06
You guys will have to rework hall of fame to add 90s and 100s haha

23-02-2015 05:57
2 new Top 5's on Parish Bridge in L4D2! Grin