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Circuit Strategy

In this strategy, the players run along the outer parameter of the rooftop map. The circuit can be done in both directions, either clockwise or counter-clockwise. It is generally looked down upon because the map is very buggy and eventually tanks and other special infected will get stuck as they chase the survivors. There will occasionally be spitter spit that appears due to the running, in which case the survival time might not be saved at the end of the round.

Shotgun Spawn Strategy

This strategy uses almost the identical positioning from the positioning in Left 4 Dead.


  • Two players by shotgun spawn (A \& B)
  • One player by the shotgun spawn watching the back (C)
  • One player on the building with the mounted gun (bait) (D)

Since the AK-47 is so powerful, it is suggested that the AK-47s are used. Although the shotgun spawns could also be utilized, the range of the shotguns is inappropriate for helping the bait player and dealing with tanks and specials from afar.


  • The bait player needs to use the mounted gun to divert the tank's attention away from the other support players. However, this spot is very dangerous for the bait player. The support players need to provide strong backup and quickly deal with the tanks.
  • The circuit strategy can be used occasionally to recover from very bad situations. The players should complete about one lap and then fight to regain their positions.
  • Zombies will rarely attack from the back. The player watching the back can divert his attention to the front when the back sides are clear.


Back Strategy


  • Three players on the isolated platform (A, B, \& C)
  • One player moving in between the vents (bait) (D)


  • A variation of this strategy is to use two players on the vents. This strategy is also effective.
  • This strategy has some problems in that the amount of zombies that are attacking can be very overwhelming.
  • The back players on the isolated platform have to be very wary of incoming hunters and chargers. Firstly, most of the special infected need to be attacking the bait player. When they attack the back players, it's possible that the players will be stumbled off the platform.
  • Smokers and spitters are problematic when they start to attack the survivors on the platform. The back players have to be very sharp and alert so that they kill them before they have a chance to damage the survivors.


by GuyGuy

Posted by HighVoltage on September 21 2013 · In Tactics L4D2 · 0 Comments · 16088 Reads · Print


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01-04-2017 21:01
All 130s

12-04-2016 19:12

16-03-2015 19:30
Yea gotta do that. Need to come up with a proper name for those categories.

05-03-2015 10:06
You guys will have to rework hall of fame to add 90s and 100s haha

23-02-2015 05:57
2 new Top 5's on Parish Bridge in L4D2! Grin