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Change in game chat size

Left 4 Dead - Change in game chat text size By Mr. X

I play on a high resolution TV, and it was extremely hard to read the game chat.
It took me a while to figure this out, so I thought I'd share.

The file you are looking for is Steam\steamapps\common\left 4 dead\left4dead\resource\ChatScheme.res

Before making any changes I recommend making a backup of ChatScheme.res.

Open ChatScheme.res with a text editor such as notepad.

Scroll about 1/3 of the way down until you find the "FONTS" heading.

Under "FONTS", find "HL2ChatFont" and under that \\LEFT4DEAD: "ChatFont".

Each section is relative to the resolution settings you use, so if in doubt just change them all.

"yres" is the range of vertical resolutions that will be affected by changing the "tall" value.

Change the values marked "tall" to increase or decrease the font size.

"tall" is the number of pixels high the chat font will be.

You can also change "weight" for opacity, font styles, and "dropshadow" "1" (on) or "0" (off).

If you break something, just restore you backup.

Hope this guide helps! Posted by Mr X on September 10 2013 · In Guides · 0 Comments · 2205 Reads · Print


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01-04-2017 21:01
All 130s

12-04-2016 19:12

16-03-2015 19:30
Yea gotta do that. Need to come up with a proper name for those categories.

05-03-2015 10:06
You guys will have to rework hall of fame to add 90s and 100s haha

23-02-2015 05:57
2 new Top 5's on Parish Bridge in L4D2! Grin