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At the top of the lighthouse near the pipebimbs, not mollies. Everyone needs to stay crouched with their backs against the wall of the lighthouse tower. If you stand up or near the ledge you will either get smoked off or hunters will have an angle to pounce/stumble the team. It’s important to communicate since the tank needs to be killed instantly, he will surprise the team from 3 potential climbing locations (left, ladder, and right). Sometimes he will climb from the far left, or the far right, so be prepared to react quickly. Tanks climbing the ladder seem to come up faster.

- 1 Player sitting on the stack of pipe bombs (any further to the right leaves them vulnerable to smokers on the roof) covering the front and right. (B)

- 1 Player to the left of that person covering the front, right, and left side (this player is also the one who shoves smokers off to control the smoke). (A)

- 1 Player to the left of the previous position covering the front, right, and left side. (C)

- 1 Player to the left of the previous position covering the front and left side. (D)




- This strategy requires excellent reaction time to be successful. 

- It takes 14-15 shots to kill a tank using the shotgun, so all 4 players should be using a shotty and blasting the tank as soon as they see it climbing. Have 1 person melee all the smokers off the ladder and shoot them through the floor if they can.

- Use pistols on commons to save ammo, as soon as the ground shakes take out your shotgun and get ready for the tank to either be on the left or right.

- Too many smokers climbing the ladder and dying at once will blind you with a thick smoke screen.

- If a tank doesn't die fast enough on the tower he will knock a survivor off the building, killing him, and ruining the rest of the game.

- You can shoot the smokers through the floor of the lighthouse if positioned in the correct spot.


Ammo Run Strategy


- At about 8:40 you have a break (no hordes spawn, only specials) until 9:20ish and that's when you go for ammo (safer to grab from the pile near the horn).

- Our first ammo run was at 9mins, then 12 and returning to the top of the lighthouse near the pipebombs.

Lastly, the tower strategy is risky. If it goes well you can go 10 minutes, maybe longer, without taking much damage (we've seen a player at 20 mins at 100hp!) but if it goes bad, all it could take is a single tank hit and it could cost you the game if someone dies. Don't be discouraged if the first few tries aren't successful. Before a good round we could have 3 or 4 failed rounds, all because of 1 person getting hit off by a tank and dying. Keep trying, practice, and improve your reaction time.


by GuyGuy

Posted by HighVoltage on September 15 2013 · In Tactics L4D1 · 0 Comments · 2183 Reads · Print


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01-04-2017 21:01
All 130s

12-04-2016 19:12

16-03-2015 19:30
Yea gotta do that. Need to come up with a proper name for those categories.

05-03-2015 10:06
You guys will have to rework hall of fame to add 90s and 100s haha

23-02-2015 05:57
2 new Top 5's on Parish Bridge in L4D2! Grin