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In this map there is a lot of open space that is unusable because the terrain provides no cover for the survivors. The main strategy is played in a small corner by the large boat.


- One person at the back as 'hunter fodder' (A)

- One person at the back corner covering back and hunter fodder, and any of the front players who may get pounced (B)

- One person front left side (C)

- One person front right side (a little further ahead of the left player) (D)



The front and back positions both have difficulties associated with them. The front players do not have a particularly difficult spot until the tank comes, where they must back up into the corner. The timing of the front positions is very specific, as explained later in the notes.

The back position is perhaps the hardest, as the player guarding the back must be a meatshield against all incoming zombies, and he must defend the back with very little visibility due to a large bush obstructing his sight. Inevitably, a player will get pounced by a hunter or pulled by a smoker and the support player needs to have fast reflexes in order to save his teammates before they take damage.

- Three players are shooting the tank at the front or back. The remaining player is covering the other side under normal circumstances.

- Ammo runs after 12 minutes can be inconsistent. Tanks may appear during ammo runs. It is best to go when it is noticeably clear, and to go for ammo as fast as possible.

- When going for ammo runs, it is sometimes best to use the fence to guide you to the ammo, while other times it is better to just run straight to the ammo pile. Be careful not to stay too close so as not to stumble each other if someone gets pounced.

- It is difficult but not impossible to pick up incapacitated players in this spot. It might be a better decision to heal early at about 20--30 health remaining rather than risk being incapacitating and straining your teammates.

- Players at the back must be careful to dodge the tank rocks. They can use the large boat for cover.

- Players must be freed from smoker pulls as soon as possible. The cover player is better off shooting the tongues rather than meleeing to free the smoked player.

- It's difficult to avoid scratches in the hunter fodder position. The best you can do is back up after you dead stop, or it may even be better to let yourself get pounced as long as the corner/cover player saves you fast enough for you to not take too much damage, if any.

- Many times it is difficult to tell whether the tank is going to the front or back. The communication should be made last minute so not to confuse teammates.

- The front players must back up from the tank to avoid getting hit. The front-right player leads the tank, so the front-left player backs up first. The timing of when to back up on this map is extremely finicky. Run back too early and the tank will climb the boat; run back too late and you will get hit.

- To first get a feel of when to retreat, you can measure the position of the tank by the shadow the tree in the corner makes upon the ground. It was estimated that the front-left player should back up just before the tank reaches the shadow. Just after the tank comes within the shadow, the front-right player should back up. It takes some practice to get used to.

- If there is a double tank, you would want to manipulate one of the tanks to climb the boat while you deal with the other. Keep your distance from the second tank and he will probably climb the boat.

- Also interesting note, if you turn your settings down, the tall grass around the tree in the front isn't there, so you'll have an easier time seeing hunters that go in that spot.

- Gascans and explosives are unnecessary. It is difficult to find a suitable spot to store them on this map.


by GuyGuy

Posted by HighVoltage on September 15 2013 · In Tactics L4D1 · 0 Comments · 2120 Reads · Print


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01-04-2017 21:01
All 130s

12-04-2016 19:12

16-03-2015 19:30
Yea gotta do that. Need to come up with a proper name for those categories.

05-03-2015 10:06
You guys will have to rework hall of fame to add 90s and 100s haha

23-02-2015 05:57
2 new Top 5's on Parish Bridge in L4D2! Grin