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Gold Miners

North American Survivors

L4D Survival Records

YOUR L4D Survival Records


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- 3 players watch the front in a staggered line (rightmost in front) (A, B, \& C)

- 1 player watching the back (D)




- Avoiding damage from rocks is key to getting high times. All rocks should be dodged or shot. The rocks can be avoided by moving towards the surrounding walls. It's a little precarious for the middle player to dodge rocks, so the positioning should be such that the tank throws rocks at the rightmost or leftmost player as much as possible.

- The back position is tedious, but it's very important for the back player to be able to clear out the back of zombies and avoid smokers as much as possible. This is so that the front players can work without interference.

- Smokers are dangerous if they are overlooked. They can separate the group and can cause damage. Shooting the tongue will prevent the smokers from having any effect.

- Pistols were used a little, but we went for ammo runs regularly.

Late into the game, the player with the least amount of health should be put at the back.

- The extra pipebombs at the far end of the map can be obtained at the beginning of the round. One can be thrown to prevent the survivors from getting horded at the beginning.

Because of the open area, tank rocks are a major source of damage, similar to the terminal map. The player on the left will be targeted the most by tank rocks. An easy way of avoiding damage is to strafe left towards the wall. The tank will try to compensate and actually throw the rock at the wall. Shooting the rocks is an alternative to dodging them, but the rocks are not visible at a distance when graphics settings are on low. Dodging rocks is also reliable at a closer range than shooting rocks.

A useful skill for this map is getting midair shots (also known as ``skeeting''). Going for midair hunter kills is in fact a low-risk manoeuvre since one can follow up the shot with a melee swing. In this map, the hunters will start pouncing the survivors from a long distance and they are moving in straight lines. A lot of hunters will go after the player on the right so he should be well-practiced at this.

During rare times you can get double tanks rushing in. Don't panic, they're quite manageable. You can keep your distance so that the tanks will take time to throw rocks instead of rushing in. The back area should be carefully cleared of zombies while the tanks are rushing in so that there is enough room to manoeuvre.


by GuyGuy

Posted by HighVoltage on September 15 2013 · In Tactics L4D1 · 0 Comments · 3092 Reads · Print


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01-04-2017 21:01
All 130s

12-04-2016 19:12

16-03-2015 19:30
Yea gotta do that. Need to come up with a proper name for those categories.

05-03-2015 10:06
You guys will have to rework hall of fame to add 90s and 100s haha

23-02-2015 05:57
2 new Top 5's on Parish Bridge in L4D2! Grin