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This map has traditionally been very buggy in the sense that tanks get stuck regularly. It is a poorly designed map for survival and many of the zombies can get stuck. Recently, it has been noticed that the amount of tanks has increased, since less of them are being stuck. However, many of the SI will be stuck in various parts of the map.

In campaign mode, the upraised bridge normally drops upon event start, allowing passage. In survival mode, the bridge never drops. This provides a form of cover (explained later below).


- One player guarding the right ladder (A)

- One player supporting the right player (B)

- One player guarding the bridge (C)

- One player guarding the left ladder (D)



The player on the left is covering the left ladder, though they should help if there's horde coming from the bridge. A lot of tanks come up the left ladder, and a lot of hunters come this way as well so this player has to be good at dead stopping. Only 3 people should need to shoot the tank, which is the job of the left player and both middle players, while the right player keeps watching the right ladder and makes sure to clear the way for the left player to back up from the tank.

The middle-left player should be watching the bridge and also helping with CI and SI that drop from the tunnel above the medkits. This player usually doesn't have much to do if there's no horde coming from the bridge or behind, so if there's a stuck tank in the rafters they are in the best position to pistol it until it's dead. Many experienced players don't like stuck tanks or SI, and kill/free them to get a better count.

The middle-right player is bait for the smokers on the other side of the bridge. They usually try to smoke this player but the tongue gets blocked by the bridge (the one that drops in campaign when you push the button). Hunters will also pounce straight up and try to get that player but they miss most of the time. This player helps the player on the right if there's a lot of horde climbing the right ladder, and also keeps an eye on the tunnel above the med kits.

The right player is covering the right ladder and has to be good at dead stopping. Smokers will sometimes be hiding in the pipe down below as well and they can smoke you even if you can't see them, so you have to listen so you know when to dodge them. Tanks often climb up this side as well. If the tank climbs up the right ladder, the right player and both middle players help to kill it while the left player continues guarding the left ladder and bridge.

Hordes will spawn in the tunnel above the med kits. Specials can spawn in there as well, even tanks, which is really dangerous and unfortunate. Go for ammo at 1:30, 2:30 (optional), 4:00, 6:00, 9:00, 12:00, 14:30, and then use pistols on everything and shotgun only for the tank. Get ammo when you have 30 or less shots. For ammo runs, we run across the bridge and jump down onto the railing and then grab ammo and quickly run back, it's the quickest and safest route. 

Special infected get stuck on this map and there's not much else you can do besides free them every ammo run for the first 12 mins. They get stuck in the pipe. You'll see me going to kill them a couple times in this video, and be sure to have someone come with you to watch your back since there will be 5 or 6 specials in there waiting and ready to get you as soon as you climb the ladder.


by GuyGuy

Posted by HighVoltage on September 15 2013 · In Tactics L4D1 · 0 Comments · 2222 Reads · Print


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01-04-2017 21:01
All 130s

12-04-2016 19:12

16-03-2015 19:30
Yea gotta do that. Need to come up with a proper name for those categories.

05-03-2015 10:06
You guys will have to rework hall of fame to add 90s and 100s haha

23-02-2015 05:57
2 new Top 5's on Parish Bridge in L4D2! Grin